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A Path To Recovery

Despair. Recovery. Sobriety.

The goal is to give hope to native Americans who suffer from substance abuse,
finding a way to live in today’s society.

It’s my goal to share my story about sobriety, and my journey to find myself in sobriety. I helped to start a teens at risk program in federal prison, I have talked to kids and adults about alcohol and its effects on the lives of our loved ones, they stand by us and pay the price along with us, taking control of your life is admitting your alcoholic only then do you have a chance to live. Take that step for yourself and your family. The life you have is now, it is the only one you have. Don’t waste it being drunk.

My Story

My story is not the same as the next guys. I stopped the drugs and drinking. Yeah my pride is a little beat up, no more homeboys to impress, and nothing to live up to. I was stuck on a treadmill in and out of prison, drinking and using like it was something new, every time I got out. The lie was real for me, it was all I had, living on the Rez going to town, get drunk, go to jail, the inevitable cycle, my future was set in stone unless I figured out a way to stop using drugs. We make bad decisions all the time. Unfortunately, our decisions seem to take us to prison. Fortunately, I stopped using in prison when I figured out that I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life there.  You've got to snap out of it and sober up before it’s too late.


My Path

On my path to sobriety I spent a lot of time working on myself and finding things to do now that I didn’t drink. Working out, yoga, running were things I instilled to occupy my time and bring a balance back to a healthy body. The most overlooked aspect of recovery is meditation. It's power to clear the mind and reconnect with the spirit is reflective of vision quest and searching for tunkashilla in ceremony. Some times we need to just reflect on our decisions and pray.


We give hope to Native Americans who suffer from substance abuse

Start Your Road to Recovery and a new Life Now!